52nd Federal Wholesale Fair "Textillegprom", Moscow
From February 19 to February 22, 2019, “OSBORN TEXTILE” FE LLC took part in the largest specialized 52nd federal wholesale fair “Textillegprom” in Russia and the CIS countries.
During the fair, the company presented a number of new products, as well as products already proven on the market in the segments of dyed cotton-containing yarn and melange yarn, as well as a wide range of blended yarn.
Participation in the fair is mandatory for our company.
Since its founding, the company has never missed participating in the Textillegprom fair, since this is a key fair that allows us to solve the dual task of participation - supporting and developing the existing customer base and finding new customers.
Our partners do not always have the opportunity to come to our company and see new products, but everyone always comes to the fair.
The largest players in the textile market are always represented at the TEXTILLEGPROM fair. The participation of our company at the 52nd wholesale fair “Textillegprom” was clearly noted by the President of PJSC “ROSLEGPROM”, General Director of LLC “RLP-FAIR”.
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